Monday, December 12, 2005



column pct_used format 999.9 heading "%|Used"
column name format a16 heading "Tablespace Name"
column Kbytes format 999,999,999 heading "KBytes"
column used format 999,999,999 heading "Used"
column free format 999,999,999 heading "Free"
column largest format 999,999,999 heading "Largest"
column max_size format 999,999,999 heading "MaxPoss|Kbytes"
column pct_max_used format 999.9 heading "%|Max|Used"
break on report
compute sum of kbytes on report
compute sum of free on report
compute sum of used on report
prompt =================================================================
free_space_by_tablespace as
( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_free,
max(bytes)/1024 largest,
from sys.dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name ),
space_by_permanent_tablespace as
( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
sum(maxbytes)/1024 Kbytes_max,
from sys.dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name ),
space_by_temporary_tablespace as
( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
sum(maxbytes)/1024 Kbytes_max,
from sys.dba_temp_files
group by tablespace_name )
/* Now, finally to the query itself */
select b.tablespace_name name,
kbytes_alloc kbytes,
kbytes_alloc-nvl(kbytes_free,0) used,
nvl(kbytes_free,0) free,
kbytes_alloc)*100 pct_used,
nvl(largest,0) largest,
nvl(kbytes_max,kbytes_alloc) Max_Size,
decode( kbytes_max, 0, 0, (kbytes_alloc/kbytes_max)*100) pct_max_used
from free_space_by_tablespace a
space_by_permanent_tablespace b on a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name
union all
select b.tablespace_name,
kbytes_alloc kbytes,
kbytes_alloc-nvl(kbytes_free,0) used,
nvl(kbytes_free,0) free,
kbytes_alloc)*100 pct_used,
nvl(largest,0) largest,
nvl(kbytes_max,kbytes_alloc) Max_Size,
decode( kbytes_max, 0, 0, (kbytes_alloc/kbytes_max)*100) pct_max_used
from free_space_by_tablespace a
space_by_temporary_tablespace b on a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name

Monday, June 20, 2005


flat.cmd (Windows)


@echo off

if "%1"=="" goto :usage
if "%2"=="" goto :usage

sqlplus -s %1 @flat.sql %2

goto :done


echo "usage flat un/pw [tables|views]"
echo "example flat scott/tiger emp dept"
echo "description Select over standard out all rows of table or view with "
echo " columns delimited by tabs."



set wrap off
set linesize 100
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
set termout off

spool ytmpy.sql

prompt select
select lower(column_name)||'||chr(9)||'
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = upper('&1') and
column_id != (select max(column_id) from user_tab_columns where
table_name = upper('&1'))
order by column_id
select lower(column_name)
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = upper('&1') and
column_id = (select max(column_id) from user_tab_columns where
table_name = upper('&1'))
order by column_id
prompt from &1
prompt /

spool off
set termout on


flat (unix)


if [ "$1" = "" ]
cat << EOF

usage: flat un/pw [tables|views]

example: flat scott/tiger emp dept

description: Select over standard out all rows of table or view with
columns delimited by tabs.


for X in $*
sqlplus -s $PW << EOF > /tmp/flat$$.sql
set wrap off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
prompt select
select lower(column_name)||'||chr(9)||'
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = upper('$X') and
column_id != (select max(column_id) from user_tab_columns where
table_name = upper('$X'))
order by column_id
select lower(column_name)
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = upper('$X') and
column_id = (select max(column_id) from user_tab_columns where
table_name = upper('$X'))
order by column_id
prompt from $X
prompt /
prompt exit
sqlplus -s $PW << EOF
set wrap off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
set trimspool on
set linesize 5000
start /tmp/flat$$.sql
rm /tmp/flat$$.sql



create or replace function dump_csv( p_query in varchar2,
p_separator in varchar2 default ';',
p_dir in varchar2 ,
p_filename in varchar2 )
return number
l_output utl_file.file_type;
l_theCursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
l_columnValue varchar2(2000);
l_status integer;
l_colCnt number default 0;
l_separator varchar2(10) default '';
l_cnt number default 0;
l_output := utl_file.fopen( p_dir, p_filename, 'w' );

dbms_sql.parse( l_theCursor, p_query,
dbms_sql.native );

for i in 1 .. 255 loop
dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, i,
l_columnValue, 2000 );
l_colCnt := i;
when others then
if ( sqlcode = -1007 ) then exit;
end if;
end loop;

dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, 1,
l_columnValue, 2000 );

l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);

exit when ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_theCursor) <= 0 );
l_separator := '';
for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
dbms_sql.column_value( l_theCursor, i,
l_columnValue );
utl_file.put( l_output,
l_separator || l_columnValue );
l_separator := p_separator;
end loop;
utl_file.new_line( l_output );
l_cnt := l_cnt+1;
end loop;

utl_file.fclose( l_output );
return l_cnt;
end dump_csv;


df_space.sql (need update)

select substr(file_name, 1, 40) file_name
, substr(tablespace_name, 1, 20) tablespace
, bytes / 1024 / 1024 Meg
, blocks
, autoextensible
, maxbytes
, increment_by
from dba_data_files



set echo off

create or replace
type Argv as
table of varchar2(4000);

create table debugTab(
userid varchar2(30) primary key,
modules varchar2(4000),
locat varchar2(4000),
filename varchar2(4000)

create or replace
trigger bi_fer_debugtab
before insert on debugtab for each row
:new.modules := upper( :new.modules );

create or replace
package debug as
-- version 1.0
-- clbeck - 13-OCT-98 - Initial version
-- This package allows the developer to selectively produce debug
-- iformation for pl/sql process.
-- Setup:
-- Make sure the utl_file_dir paramter is assigned in the init.ora
-- file. You need an entry for each dir that you want to be able to
-- write to.
-- eg.
-- utl_file_dir = /tmp
-- utl_file_dir = /home/clbeck/sql/debug
-- Usage:
-- There are two procedure to write debug information ( f and fa ).
-- Anywhere in your code that you want to print debug information use:
-- debug.f( 'Expected %s bytes, got %s bytes', l_expect, l_got );
-- This will replace the the first %s with the value of l_expect and the
-- second %s with the value of l_got.
-- If you have more than 10 %s in your string then you will need to use the fa
-- procedure like:
-- debug.fa( 'List: %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s',
-- argv( 1, 2, l_num, 'Chris', l_cnt, 10 ) );
-- Runtime:
-- To enable the debug run:
-- debug.init( 'myProc' );
-- This will cause only debug for the procedure/package named
-- myProc to be generated.
-- All other debug statements will generate no output.
-- To debug all procedures/packages,
-- set p_modules = 'ALL';
-- To stop debug run:
-- debug.clear;
-- Output:
-- The output looks like:
-- 981013 130530 (CLBECK.MYPROC, 221) this is my debug output
-- ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- date time owner.proc lineno message
-- Enhancements and Bugs:
-- Send all enhancements requests and bugs to me,
-- Christopher Beck (

g_dir_locat constant varchar2(4000) := '/tmp';

emptyDebugArgv Argv;

-- Initializes the debuging for specified p_modules and will dump the
-- output to the p_dir directory on the server for the user p_user.
procedure init(
p_modules in varchar2 default 'ALL',
p_dir in varchar2 default g_dir_locat,
p_file in varchar2 default null,
p_user in varchar2 default user );

procedure f(
p_message in varchar2,
p_arg1 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg2 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg3 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg4 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg5 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg6 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg7 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg8 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg9 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg10 in varchar2 default null );

procedure fa(
p_message in varchar2,
p_args in Argv default emptyDebugArgv );

procedure clear(
p_user in varchar2 default user );

-- Returns the current status of debugging for the user p_user.
procedure status(
p_user in varchar2 default user,
p_modules out varchar2,
p_file out varchar2,
p_dir out varchar2 );

end debug;

show error

grant execute on debug to public

create or replace
package body debug as

g_owner varchar2(2000);
g_name varchar2(2000);
g_lineno number;
g_caller_t varchar2(2000);

g_file varchar2(2000);

procedure init(
p_modules in varchar2 default 'all',
p_dir in varchar2 default g_dir_locat,
p_file in varchar2 default null,
p_user in varchar2 default user ) is
r debugTab%rowtype;
clear( p_user );
insert into debugTab values ( p_user, p_modules, p_dir, p_file );
end init;

procedure clear( p_user varchar2 default user ) is
delete from debugTab where userid = p_user;
end clear;

procedure status(
p_user in varchar2 default user,
p_modules out varchar2,
p_file out varchar2,
p_dir out varchar2 ) is
select modules, locat, filename
into p_modules, p_dir, p_file
from debugTab
where userid = p_user;
when NO_DATA_FOUND then
p_modules := null;
p_dir := null;
p_file := null;
end status;

procedure who_called_me(
owner out varchar2,
name out varchar2,
lineno out number,
caller_t out varchar2 ) is
call_stack varchar2(4096) default dbms_utility.format_call_stack;
n number;
found_stack BOOLEAN default FALSE;
line varchar2(255);
cnt number := 0;
n := instr( call_stack, chr(10) );
exit when ( cnt = 3 or n is NULL or n = 0 );
line := substr( call_stack, 1, n-1 );
call_stack := substr( call_stack, n+1 );
if not found_stack then
if line like '%handle%number%name%' then
found_stack := TRUE;
end if;
cnt := cnt + 1;
-- cnt = 1 is ME
-- cnt = 2 is MY Caller
-- cnt = 3 is Their Caller
if ( cnt = 3 ) then
lineno := to_number(substr( line, 13, 6 ));
line := substr( line, 21 );
if ( line like 'pr%' ) then
n := length( 'procedure ' );
elsif ( line like 'fun%' ) then
n := length( 'function ' );
elsif ( line like 'package body%' ) then
n := length( 'package body ' );
elsif ( line like 'pack%' ) then
n := length( 'package ' );
n := length( 'anonymous block ' );
end if;
caller_t := ltrim(rtrim(upper(substr( line, 1, n-1 ))));
line := substr( line, n );
n := instr( line, '.' );
owner := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, 1, n-1 )));
name := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, n+1 )));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end who_called_me;

function is_number( n varchar2 ) return boolean is
if n between '0' and '9' then
return true;
end if;
return false;
end is_number;

function parse_it(
p_message in varchar2,
p_args in argv default emptyDebugArgv ) return varchar2 is
l_tmp long := p_message;
l_str long := null;
l_idx number;

l_numstr1 varchar2(10);
l_numstr2 varchar2(10);

l_tmp1 long;
l_str1 long;

l_num number;
l_char long;

for i in 1 .. p_args.count loop
l_idx := instr( l_tmp, '%' ) ;
exit when nvl(l_idx,0) = 0;

l_str := l_str || substr( l_tmp, 1, l_idx-1 );
l_tmp := substr( l_tmp, l_idx+1 );

if substr( l_tmp, 1, 1 ) = 's' or
substr( l_tmp, 1, 1 ) = 'd' then
l_str := l_str || p_args(i);
l_tmp := substr( l_tmp, 2 );
elsif is_number( substr( l_tmp, 1, 1 ) ) or
substr( l_tmp, 1, 1 ) = '.' then

l_numstr1 := null;
l_numstr2 := null;

l_tmp1 := l_tmp;
l_str1 := l_str;

exit when not is_number( substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 ) );
l_numstr1 := l_numstr1 || substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 );
l_tmp1 := substr( l_tmp1, 2 );
end loop;

if substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 ) = '.' then
l_tmp1 := substr( l_tmp1, 2 );
if is_number( substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 ) ) then
exit when not is_number( substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 ) );
l_numstr2 := l_numstr2 || substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 );
l_tmp1 := substr( l_tmp1, 2 );
end loop;
l_tmp1 := '!' || l_tmp1;
end if;
end if;

if substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 ) = 's' then
l_tmp := substr( l_tmp1, 2 );
if l_numstr2 is null then
l_tmp1 := p_args(i);
l_tmp1 := substr( p_args(i), 1, l_numstr2 );
end if;
if l_numstr1 is not null then
l_tmp1 := lpad( l_tmp1, l_numstr1 );
end if;
l_str := l_str1 || l_tmp1;
elsif substr( l_tmp1, 1, 1 ) = 'd' then
l_tmp := substr( l_tmp1, 2 );
if l_numstr1 is null then
l_tmp1 := lpad( '9', 39, '9' );
l_tmp1 := lpad( '9', l_numstr1, '9' );
end if;
if l_numstr2 is not null then
l_tmp1 := substr( l_tmp1, 1, l_numstr1-l_numstr2 ) || '.' ||
substr( l_tmp1, -l_numstr2 );
end if;
l_str := l_str1 || to_char( to_number( p_args(i) ), l_tmp1 );
l_str := l_str || '%';
end if;
when others then
l_str := l_str1 || 'XXXXXXXXXX';

l_str := l_str || '%';
end if;

end loop;

return l_str || l_tmp;

when others then
return l_str || l_tmp;
end parse_it;

procedure internal_f(
p_message in varchar2,
p_args in Argv default emptyDebugArgv ) is
l_locat varchar2(4000);
l_modules varchar2(4000);
l_filename varchar2(4000);
l_message long := null;
l_file utl_file.file_type;
l_date varchar2(255);

select modules, locat, filename, to_char( sysdate, 'YYMMDD HH24MISS' )
into l_modules, l_locat, l_filename, l_date
from debugTab
where userid = user;

if instr( l_modules, nvl(g_name,'BLAH') ) = 0 and l_modules <> 'ALL' then
end if;

if l_filename is not null then
g_file := l_filename;
end if;

l_message := parse_it( p_message, p_args );
l_message := p_message;

for i in 1 .. p_args.count loop
if instr( l_message, '%s' ) = 0 then
l_message := substr( l_message, 1, instr( l_message, '%s' )-1 ) ||
p_args(i) ||
substr( l_message, instr( l_message, '%s' )+2 );
end if;
end loop;
when others then

l_message := replace( l_message, '\n', chr(10) );
l_message := replace( l_message, '\t', chr(9) );

l_file := utl_file.fopen( l_locat, g_file, 'a', 32767 );
if not utl_file.is_open( l_file ) then
dbms_output.put_line( 'File not opened' );
end if;
if g_owner is null then
g_owner := user;
g_name := 'ANONYMOUS BLOCK';
end if;
utl_file.put( l_file, '' );
utl_file.put_line( l_file,
l_date ||
' (' || lpad( g_owner || '.' || g_name, 20 ) || ',' ||
lpad(g_lineno,4) || ') ' || l_message );
utl_file.fclose( l_file );

when NO_DATA_FOUND then
-- dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm );
end internal_f;

procedure fa(
p_message in varchar2,
p_args in Argv default emptyDebugArgv ) is
who_called_me( g_owner, g_name, g_lineno, g_caller_t );
internal_f( p_message, p_args );
end fa;

procedure f(
p_message in varchar2,
p_arg1 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg2 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg3 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg4 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg5 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg6 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg7 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg8 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg9 in varchar2 default null,
p_arg10 in varchar2 default null ) is
who_called_me( g_owner, g_name, g_lineno, g_caller_t );
internal_f( p_message,
argv( substr( p_arg1, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg2, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg3, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg4, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg5, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg6, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg7, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg8, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg9, 1, 4000 ),
substr( p_arg10, 1, 4000 ) ) );
end f;


g_file := 'DEBUGF_'||userenv('SESSIONID');

end debug;

show error



set echo on
create or replace view dba_procedures
select owner,
object_name name,
(select decode( bitand(options,16), 16, 'INVOKER', 'DEFINER' )
from procedure$
where obj# = dba_objects.object_id ) auth_id
from dba_objects
where object_type in ( 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY' )

create public synonym dba_procedures for sys.dba_procedures

set echo off



set echo on

create user &&1 identified by &&1
default tablespace &&2
temporary tablespace &3
quota unlimited on &&2
grant connect, resource to &&1
revoke unlimited tablespace from &&1
set echo off



column fkey format a80 word_wrapped
'alter table "' || child_tname || '"' || chr(10) ||
'add constraint "' || child_cons_name || '"' || chr(10) ||
'foreign key ( ' || child_columns || ' ) ' || chr(10) ||
'references "' || parent_tname || '" ( ' || parent_columns || ');' fkey
( select a.table_name child_tname, a.constraint_name child_cons_name,
b.r_constraint_name parent_cons_name,
max(decode(position, 1, '"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 2,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 3,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 4,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 5,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 6,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 7,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 8,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 9,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,10,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,11,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,12,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,13,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,14,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,15,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,16,', '||'"'||
from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and b.constraint_type = 'R'
group by a.table_name, a.constraint_name, b.r_constraint_name ) child,
( select a.constraint_name parent_cons_name, a.table_name parent_tname,
max(decode(position, 1, '"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 2,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 3,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 4,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 5,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 6,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 7,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 8,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 9,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,10,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,11,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,12,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,13,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,14,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,15,', '||'"'||
substr(column_name,1,30)||'"',NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,16,', '||'"'||
from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and b.constraint_type in ( 'P', 'U' )
group by a.table_name, a.constraint_name ) parent
where child.parent_cons_name = parent.parent_cons_name
and parent.parent_tname = upper('&1')



select to_char(dt,'yy') ano,
to_char(dt,'mm') Mes,
to_char(dt,'iw') Semana,
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 2, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "2a",
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 3, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "3a",
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 4, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "4a",
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 5, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "5a",
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 6, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "6a",
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 7, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "Sa",
max(decode( to_char(dt,'d'), 1, to_char(dt,'dd'), null )) "Do"
from ( select trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy')+rownum-1 dt
from all_objects
where rownum <= 366
group by to_char(dt,'yy') ,
to_char(dt,'mm') ,
order by 1,2,3



drop table audit_tbl
create table audit_tbl
( timestamp date,
who varchar2(30),
tname varchar2(30),
cname varchar2(30),
old varchar2(2000),
new varchar2(2000)

create or replace package audit_pkg
procedure check_val( l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in varchar2,
l_old in varchar2 );

procedure check_val( l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in date,
l_old in date );

procedure check_val( l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in number,
l_old in number );

create or replace package body audit_pkg

procedure check_val( l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in varchar2,
l_old in varchar2 )
if ( l_new <> l_old or
(l_new is null and l_old is not NULL) or
(l_new is not null and l_old is NULL) )
insert into audit_tbl values
( sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), upper(l_tname), upper(l_cname),
l_old, l_new );
end if;

procedure check_val( l_tname in varchar2, l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in date, l_old in date )
if ( l_new <> l_old or
(l_new is null and l_old is not NULL) or
(l_new is not null and l_old is NULL) )
insert into audit_tbl values
( sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), upper(l_tname), upper(l_cname),
to_char( l_old, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),
to_char( l_new, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh23:mi:ss' ) );
end if;

procedure check_val( l_tname in varchar2, l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in number, l_old in number )
if ( l_new <> l_old or
(l_new is null and l_old is not NULL) or
(l_new is not null and l_old is NULL) )
insert into audit_tbl values
( sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), upper(l_tname), upper(l_cname),
l_old, l_new );
end if;

end audit_pkg;



set echo on

drop table audit_dml
create table audit_dml
( timestamp date,
who varchar2(30),
op varchar2(6),
seq number(6),
tname varchar2(30),
cname varchar2(30),
old varchar2(2000),
new varchar2(2000),
rid_old rowid,
rid_new rowid,
data_type char(1)

drop sequence x#_seq;

create sequence x#_seq;

create or replace package audit_pkg
procedure check_val(
l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in varchar2,
l_old in varchar2,
l_rid_new in rowid,
l_rid_old in rowid,
l_op in varchar2,
l_seq in number

procedure check_val(
l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in date,
l_old in date,
l_rid_new in rowid,
l_rid_old in rowid,
l_op in varchar2,
l_seq in number

procedure check_val(
l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in number,
l_old in number,
l_rid_new in rowid,
l_rid_old in rowid,
l_op in varchar2,
l_seq in number

create or replace package body audit_pkg
procedure check_val(
l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in varchar2,
l_old in varchar2,
l_rid_new in rowid,
l_rid_old in rowid,
l_op in varchar2,
l_seq in number )
if ( l_new <> l_old or
(l_new is null and l_old is not NULL) or
(l_new is not null and l_old is NULL) )
insert into audit_dml values
( sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), l_op, l_seq, upper(l_tname), upper(l_cname),
l_old, l_new, l_rid_old, l_rid_new, 'C' );
end if;

procedure check_val(
l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in date,
l_old in date,
l_rid_new in rowid,
l_rid_old in rowid,
l_op in varchar2,
l_seq in number )
if ( l_new <> l_old or
(l_new is null and l_old is not NULL) or
(l_new is not null and l_old is NULL) )
insert into audit_dml values
( sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), l_op,l_seq, upper(l_tname), upper(l_cname),
to_char( l_old, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),
to_char( l_new, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ), l_rid_old, l_rid_new , 'D' );
end if;

procedure check_val(
l_tname in varchar2,
l_cname in varchar2,
l_new in number,
l_old in number,
l_rid_new in rowid,
l_rid_old in rowid,
l_op in varchar2,
l_seq in number )
if ( l_new <> l_old or
(l_new is null and l_old is not NULL) or
(l_new is not null and l_old is NULL) )
insert into audit_dml values
( sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), l_op, l_seq, upper(l_tname), upper(l_cname),
l_old, l_new, l_rid_old, l_rid_new , 'N' );
end if;

end audit_pkg;
set echo off



set echo on

alter trigger auditddl_trg disable

drop table audit_ddl

create table audit_ddl (
timestamp date default sysdate,
owner varchar2(20) default user,
osuser varchar2(20),
object varchar2(30),
event varchar2(30),
type_obj varchar2(30))

create or replace trigger auditddl_trg
after truncate or drop or create or comment or grant or revoke on schema
insert into audit_ddl (osuser, object, event, type_obj )
values (sys_context('USERENV','OS_USER'), ora_dict_obj_name, ora_sysevent, ora_dict_obj_type);
set echo off



column temporary_tablespace format a20
column default_tablespace format a20

select username, created, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace, account_status
from dba_users
order by account_status, created



set echo on

select owner, synonym_name, table_owner, table_name from all_synonyms
where table_owner = upper('&1')

set termout off
undefine 1
set termout on
set echo off

Thursday, June 02, 2005



column object_name format a30
column tablespace_name format a30
column object_type format a12
column status format a1

break on object_type skip 1

select object_type, object_name,
decode( status, 'INVALID', '*', '' ) status,
decode( object_type,
'TABLE', (select tablespace_name from user_tables where
table_name = object_name),
'INDEX', (select tablespace_name from user_indexes where
index_name = object_name),
null ) tablespace_name
from user_objects a
where object_name like upper('%&1%')
order by object_type, object_name
clear break
column status off



set termout off
save afiedt.buf replace
connect &1
get afiedt.buf nolist

Tuesday, May 31, 2005



define _editor=vi
-- Used by Trusted Oracle
column ROWLABEL format A15
-- Used for the SHOW ERRORS command
column LINE/COL format A8
column ERROR format A65 WORD_WRAPPED
-- Used for the SHOW SGA command
column name_col_plus_show_sga format a24
-- Defaults for SHOW PARAMETERS
column name_col_plus_show_param format a36 heading NAME
column value_col_plus_show_param format a30 heading VALUE
-- For backward compatibility

set pagesize 9999
set linesize 131
set editfile "/tmp/afiedt.buf"
set numwidth 13
set verify off
set termout off
set autoprint on
set sqlblanklines on
alter session set nls_date_format='dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
alter session set nls_numeric_characters=',.';
alter session set optimizer_mode = choose;

column tree format a40

-- Defaults for SET AUTOTRACE EXPLAIN report
column id_plus_exp format 990 heading i
column parent_id_plus_exp format 990 heading p
column plan_plus_exp format a200
column object_node_plus_exp format a8
column other_tag_plus_exp format a29
column other_plus_exp format a44

set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped
set trimspool on
set long 10000
set arraysize 100

column plan_plus_exp format a80

define gname=idle
column global_name new_value gname
select lower(user) || '@' ||
substr(global_name, 1, decode( dot, 0,
length(global_name), dot-1) ) global_name
from (select global_name, instr(global_name,'.') dot from global_name );
set sqlprompt '&gname> '
set termout on
set feedback on

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